Web Samples

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The following is a list of recent websites/projects in which I have been involved.

  • Omnirent.com
    A online communication portal between landlords and tenants.
  • MarinaMarbleIsland.com/
    Small website promoting a local Vermont marina.
  • UVM Navigators Club Website
    A fun and interactive page for UVM students to gain information about a university club.
  • Flex Incentives.com
    Webpage promoting the development of stakeholder-driven, performance-based incentives for agricultural pollution control.
  • Cocoaverification.net
    A non-profit organization evaluating the occurrence of child or forced adult labor in cocoa producing areas in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana.
  • UVMtv Webpage
    A comprehensive website which serves three purposes:
    • to online display information to UVM students
    • to provide a means of communcation among its members
    • to allow the UVMtv station to be run remotely (the backend)
  • ajaxCRUD.com
    An open-source (downloadable) PHP app/API for performing CRUD operations on a mySQL table. (for techies)
  • CashflowPOS.com
    A business website for a POS (point of sale) software vendor.
  • DownwiththeLoads.com
    A community-driven website which allows users to share content of all media types.

More recent examples of work can be found at my new business website www.loudcanvas.com